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Sudakov Daniil
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Required 1190$
  • Age: 19 y.o
  • Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
  • Dream: "Center for Physical Development" rehabilitation center
  • Program: Реабилитации
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On April 1, 2005, the twins Daniil and Kirill were born. Daniil was born first. He was the first to learn to hold his head, to turn over. But at the age of 8 months the boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a very serious form. The condition of Daniil deteriorated rapidly. He even had to learn to keep the head again. At the moment the boy is able to sit, to talk, to walk with the help of walkers and he attends school 2 times a week. Daniil likes to go to school very much, likes to train in the pool. Daniil is 12 years old and he just needs everyday work. Only this way he will get a good result.



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